☆Fast Journal☆

Welcome To Fast Journal

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行きたい場所は見つかりましたか?個人的口コミサイト Fast Journalへようこそ!

Welcome, did you find place where you go? I'm glad that you visited our memorial web site.


I'd love to travel to another country. So I would love to share my life and beautiful moments of my travel. You can see the memorial pictures of my travel on my recommend city : Boston, Vancouver, London, Geneve, Paris, New York etc..

海外旅行をご計画ですか?世界6ヶ国を訪れた経験を盛り込んだFast Journalへようこそ♩ 個人旅行がほとんどのため個人的な口コミの入り口です!参考にして頂けるともっと素敵な旅行が計画できます!!!

Welcome to Fast Journal! I went to France, Switzerland, England, Canada, United States Of America, Thailand. So then I would like to share the reputation of journal by word of mouth. I hope you can plan nice travel!

World Travel

My Recommend


Come to Japan

At first, I should recommend my country.
Visit to Osaka, Nara, Tokyo & nice Yokohama !
If you liked Japan, climb the awesome Mt.Fuji someday !

Big Red bridge

Are you a pretty geek? :) Visit to San Francisco
and get an elegant dreams and awesome job.
Also you may visit to Silicon Valley! ;)

Vancouver Island

Are you a nature lover? Visit to Canada
and enjoy the awesome beach and cool City..!

Big Ben

Are you a business woman? Visit to Oxford
and enjoy the awesome city!
Also you may take a red bus! ;)


Are you a business man? Visit to Genève
and enjoy the tasty chocolate..!
Alsoawesome lake are there.

Top of Artistic City

Are you an artist? Read blog and visit to Paris!
Climb the eiffel tower!
Also Nantes is pretty good..!


Fast Journal | Author is marine600